Permit Matrix

Child Development Permit Matrix with Alternative Qualification Options Indicated

Permit Title

Education Requirement
(Option 1 - for all permits)

Experience Requirement
(Applies to Option 1 Only)

Alternative Qualifications
(with option numbers indicated)


Five Year Renewal


Option 1: 6 units of Early Childhood Education (ECE) or Child Development (CD)


Option 2: Accredited HERO program (including ROP); or
Option 3: CCTC approved training.

Assist in the instruction of children under supervision of Associate Teacher or above.

105 hours of professional growth.

Associate Teacher

Option 1: 12 units ECE/CD including core courses**

50 days of 3+ hours per day within 2 years

Option 2: Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential

May provide instruction and supervise Assistant.

Must meet teacher requirements within 10 years.


Option 1: 24 units ECE/CD including core courses**
plus 16 General Education (GE) units*

175 days of 3+ hours per day within 4 years

Option 2: AA or higher in ECE or related field with 3 semester units supervised field experience in ECE setting

May provide instruction and supervise all above (including Aide).

105 hours of professional growth

Master Teacher

Option 1: 24 units ECE/CD including core courses**
plus 16 GE units*
plus 6 specialization units
plus 2 adult supervision units

350 days of 3+ hours per day within 4 years

Option 2: BA or higher with 12 units of ECE plus 3 units supervised field experience in ECE setting; or

May provide instruction and supervise all above (including Aide).
May also serve as coordinator of curriculum and staff development.

105 hours of professional growth