Objective 1.1: Remove barriers in our processes to enrollment, such as the application and orientation processes, that prevent all students, especially those who are underserved and minoritized, from enrolling and re-enrolling by enrollment period for Fall 2023.
Objective 1.2: Introduce additional program/course options such as Noncredit by Spring 2023 to better serve all student and community needs.
Objective 1.3: Explore innovative scheduling such as night classes and degree-completion models to allow for increased flexibility for students starting Fall 2022.
Objective 2.1: Align high school dual enrollment programs with Reedley College Pathways through appropriate course offerings, particularly courses serving those students identified in AB 30.
Objective 2.2: Implement and grow K-16 Collaborative efforts through partnerships with K-12 and four-year partners through Spring 2024.
Objective 3.1: Implement Ethnic Studies courses to offer programs of study that serve our community, district, and higher education partners by Fall 2022.
Objective 3.2: Expand antiracism training to create an inclusive environment for faculty, staff and students by increasing the number of faculty and staff who complete training and making it mandatory for new hires by Spring 2022.
Objective 3.3: Address students’ basic needs, through Open Educational Resources, Zero Textbook Cost, College Promise, childcare, technology, and transportation through 2025, including the establishment of a Basic Needs Center by Summer 2022.
Objective 3.4: Develop effective engagement strategies/practices such as Bilingual Presentations, Parent Orientations, College Services/Programs Panel, with measurable outcomes to support parents of racially minoritized and first-generation students to build awareness of higher education opportunities and address information needs through Spring 2025.
Objective 4.1: Implement the college’s Marketing Plan and recommendations from Graduate Communications by Spring 2023.
Objective 4.2: Create and implement strategic annual marketing calendar that advertises academic course offerings, innovations, and resources to students to increase enrollment by end of Fall 2022.