College Planning

Mission Vision and Values

All of Reedley College’s planning efforts stem from the college’s Mission, Vision, and Values.  

Integrated College Plan

Integrated College Plan (PDF) Educational Master Plan (PDF)

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The Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Committee, established at Reedley College in 2009 as the Strategic Planning Committee, oversaw the strategic and planning processes of the college, making its recommendations to the College Council. The composition of the committee, fifteen members in total, included representation from all college groups: students, Academic and Classified Senate presidents, Vice President of Instruction and Vice President of Student Services, the Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Evaluation, and Research, and appointments designated by the Academic and Classified Senates and classified union. One of the committee’s main accomplishments was the creation of the 2016-2020 Strategic Plan for Reedley College, in addition to the 2015-2025 Educational Master Plan, the first master plan written without the assistance of outside consultants.

In reviewing prior college planning documents in the 2020-2021 academic year, the committee desired to ensure the integration of the Strategic Plan with all other plans of the college; to this end, the committee began collecting data to revise drastically the planning process of the college. In fall 2020, the committee agreed to reference the New England Resource Center for Higher Education’s “Self-Assessment Rubric for the Institutionalization of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Higher Education,” in the beginning planning stages of the process, in addition to completing a timeline for reviewing the master plan and strategic plan with the college’s feedback.

An emerging theme at Reedley College is working intentionally to align college planning processes. In accordance with this theme, the Planning Committee decided to construct the Integrated College Plan (ICP) in a manner that includes all planning documents into a single comprehensive plan so that the same information, data, and goals are consistently informing every college plan. The result is the ICP, which contains up-to-date college and community data utilized in all other college plans. Specific area college plans appear as Chapters in the ICP. In accordance with each plan’s revision timeline, the chapters will be incorporated to reflect this more succinct and better aligned planning process and the ICP will be the repository for all planning documents.

Integrated Planning Graphic

Additional College Plans to be chaptered into the Integrated College Plan Include:

  • Facilities Master Plan
  • Distance Education Plan
  • Student Equity Plan
  • Student Support Services Plan
  • Technology Plan
  • Farm Strategic Plan
  • Enrollment Management Plan
  • Staffing Plan

Current College Plans

Goals and Objectives


Objective 1.1: Remove barriers in our processes to enrollment, such as the application and orientation processes, that prevent all students, especially those who are underserved and minoritized, from enrolling and re-enrolling by enrollment period for Fall 2023.

Objective 1.2: Introduce additional program/course options such as Noncredit by Spring 2023 to better serve all student and community needs.

Objective 1.3: Explore innovative scheduling such as night classes and degree-completion models to allow for increased flexibility for students starting Fall 2022.


