
RC Guided Pathways Logos
Explore our Reedley College (RC) Pathways to access to resources to help you stay on track with your educational journey. Each Pathway has a list of programs, contacts for support and career exploration information. Get started on your pathway to an education at RC!


Agriculture and Natural Resources

agriculture student smelling the flowers

This pathway is for students who wish to learn about improving the quality and safety of food, cultivating and preserving our natural resources, and caring for animals.

Agriculture & Natural Resources

Art, Music and English

Student singing

This pathway is for students who want to learn to express themselves artistically, musically and in writing.

Art, Music & English


Inspector with hard hat

This pathway is for students who wish to learn about the Business and Industry using skills in leadership, organizing, finance and working with people.


Early Childhood and Education

Child playing in the child development lab

This pathway is for students who wish to engage in expanding life and workplace skills and/or learning about working with young children in a variety of settings such as day care, pre-school, kindergarten and elementary education.

Early Childhood & Education

Industrial and Manufacturing

Manufacturing student with goggles

This pathway is for students who wish to learn about designing and improving products, operating high-tech tools and machinery, analyzing problems and coming up with creative solutions.

Industrial & Manufacturing

Social Sciences

Instructor lecturing

This pathway is for students who wish to learn about the institutions and functioning of human society and with the interpersonal relationships of individuals as members of society.

Social Sciences


Student in lab with mask and safety goggles

This pathway is for students who wish to learn about applying essential mathematics and science content and skills to physical, environmental and human endeavors.


Honors Program

Honors Program Icon and Student Graduating

This pathway is for students from all majors and pathways. Students with a minimum 3.5 GPA (weighted or unweighted) and an intention to transfer to a four-year college or university are eligible.

Explore the Honors Program

Need assistance?

Meet with A Counselor

Our counselors can help guide you down the right path.

Meet with a counselor

Career Exploration

Interviewer shaking hands

Take a career assessment and find out which career best suits you.

Start Now!