College Office of Research & Evaluation (CORE)

The Reedley Department of CORE supports planning and decision-making efforts throughout the college by providing data, analytics, and information for managing and maintaining the quality and effectiveness and encouraging continuous improvement of academic programs, academic and student support services, and administrative services.

The department also provides information that is mandated by external accrediting agencies and legislative bodies and serves as a primary source for information on institutional effectiveness at Reedley College.

Institutional Research Staff Contacts

Name Title E-mail Phone
Janice Offenbach Director, Institutional Research, Planning & Effectiveness 559-494-3705
Dr. Hannah Andrews Research & Planning Analyst 559-494-3157

If you are looking for information not available on the IR website or want other assistance from the Office of Institutional Research, please complete the Data and Research Request Form.


Program Review Data

Interactive dashboard to explore enrollment, class size, student demographics, course outcomes, awards and efficiencies.

High School Feeder Dashboard

Interactive dashboard to explore by high school and K-12 District, enrollment, educational goal, top pathway enrollment, average attempted units, and persistence.



