Admission and Enrollment Policies
Admissions Policy
Quality childcare services are available to families in the community without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, or ancestry.
A Waiting List of children eligible for enrollment is maintained at the Children's Program and Lab School. Applications for the program are accepted year round and children remain on the waitlist for 12 months. Enrollment of children from the Waiting List is contingent upon available slots.
In accordance with Title 22, Section 31221, children who are physically, mentally, and/or emotionally challenged will be accepted and retained after enrollment if it is determined that (a) the Center is able to meet the individual needs of the child, and that (b) there will be no adverse effect upon other children, whether through direct behavior of the child or through requiring staff time needed for the group. Ongoing assessments will determine whether each child’s needs are being met by our program.
Enrollment Process
Applicants are contacted when there are openings for enrollment. Parents are given an enrollment packet. Once the enrollment packet is completed, a meeting is scheduled with an Instructor/Coordinator or other designated person. During the meeting, the enrollment packet is reviewed for completeness and to ensure the child's immunization record is current. The interview is typically in conjunction with the child's required classroom visits. Each child and his/her parent or guardian must attend two classroom visits prior to officially starting in their new classroom. The classroom visit is for the benefit of both child and parent, providing them an opportunity for parents and child to become acquainted with the teachers and the new environment.