Dear Students:
As you saw last week in my last email, Reedley College has suspended classes for the next four days due to the outbreak and rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus, in order to move as many classes as possible to some form of online or distance education delivery. This change may become mandatory as Counties are moving rapidly to suppress the potential community spread of this virus by closing schools and colleges. We are re-evaluating information from the Fresno County Department of Health daily, and may therefore have to accelerate this transition over the next several days.
Please be aware that our primary goal is to protect the safety of all students and employees, so we will therefore be moving rapidly towards having all students and employees work from home, and wherever possible maintain the continuity of classes and services for our students and community.
Thank you for your help and understanding during these very challenging times.
Dr. Jerry L. Buckley
Reedley College