The curriculum process is a faculty driven process by which curriculum is developed and updated on a regular basis to maintain articulation, remain current with new developments in content, and integrate new instructional methods. The curriculum committee meets weekly during the school year. The curriculum committee is led by the Academic Senate Vice President for Curriculum.
Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations § 55002 (a) (1) includes the following:
“Curriculum Committee. The college and/or district curriculum committee recommending the course shall be established by the mutual agreement of the college and/or district administration and the academic senate. The committee shall be either a committee of the academic senate or a committee that includes faculty and is otherwise comprised in a way that is mutually agreeable to the college and/or district administration and the academic senate.”
The Reedley College Academic Senate has designated that the Reedley College Curriculum Committee has the authority to make recommendations regarding curriculum (including compliance of courses with state standards) directly to the local governing board through the district Educational Coordinating and Planning Committee (ECPC).
The committee and the curricular process must comply with shared governance requirements. This means, on curriculum issues, that the college must consult collegially in accordance with the Shared Governance Policy of the Board of Trustees (AR 4020 Program and Curriculum Development and BP 2510 Participation in Local Decision-making).
Locally defined duties of the Curriculum Committee
- defines local academic and curricular standards
- ensures that local general education and associate degree requirements are appropriate to meet the goals of the College and the needs of students and the communities the College serves
- recommends to the SCCCD Board of Trustees approval of new courses and programs
- scrutinizes and approves prerequisites, corequisites, and advisories and their documentation (content review and establishing prerequisite/corequisites)
- recommends to receiving institutions courses and programs for transfer/articulation
- reviews existing curriculum
- determines the appropriateness of new and revised course or educational program proposals for departments or disciplines.
- ensures that all Career Technical Education (CTE) Course Outlines of Record are updated/reviewed every two years and all other Course Outlines of Record are updated every five years
- with administration and senate, maintain and carry out other locally defined duties as articulated in SCCCD Board Policy, Administrative Regulations, and Reedley College Academic Senate resolutions per agreed upon regulations
General Curriculum Information
Curriculum Committee meets Thursdays, from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in LRC 104.
Curriculum submission deadline is the third Friday of each fall/spring semester.
Meeting agenda and materials can be found at:
RC Curriculum Committee Meetings
Curriculum Committee Members List
Area Represented |
Committee Member Name |
Academic Senate Vice President for Curriculum (standing chair) |
Whitney Menefee |
Curriculum Analyst (non-voting) |
Cheryl Hesse |
Vice President, Instruction (non-voting) |
Dale van Dam |
1 Dean of Instruction (non-voting) appointed by the VP Instruction |
Dean of Instruction (non-voting) |
Juan Bedolla |
2 Academic Senate Representatives as appointed by the Academic Senate President |
Academic Senate Representative |
Kevin Woodard |
Academic Senate Representative |
Allie Kenyon |
Articulation Officer (may also represent counseling if a separate counselor is not assigned) |
Articulation Officer |
David Shoemaker |
Instructional Department Representative – one from each instructional department of the college Vice Chair is elected from the membership of the committee |
Agriculture Department |
David Lopes |
Art, Music, & English Department |
Deanna Garabedian |
Business Department |
Tiffany Dix |
Communication and Languages Department |
David Nippoldt |
Counseling Department |
Kimberly Mullins |
Early Childhood Education Department |
Nancy Marsh (Vice Chair, Curriculum) |
Engineering, Computer Science, & Physical Science Department |
Simon Sultana |
Forestry & Wildland Fire Department |
Josh Soderlund |
Industrial Technology Department |
Andrew Mancini |
Life Science & Allied Health Department |
Shelly Sorensen |
Mathematics Department |
Steven Zook |
Physical Education, Kinesiology, & Athletics Department |
TJ Jennings |
Social Science Department |
John Terrell |
Developmental Services Representative (appointed by the Director of DSPS) |
Developmental Services Representative |
Ashley Calhoun |
1 Student Representative as appointed by the ASG President (non-voting) |
Student Representative (non-voting) |
Joseph Cruz |
Distance Education Coordinator (non-voting) |
Jason Boyer |
ECPC meets monthly
Board of Trustees meet the first Tuesday of the month unless otherwise specified on the calendar.
Curriculum is managed through CurriQunet, a web-based curriculum management system. Reedley College's Course Outline of Record for each course is available at RC Course Outlines of Record (COR)
All modifications to courses and programs, newly developed courses and programs, as well as deleted programs and courses are processed using the curriQunet Curriculum Management system. For assistance with curriQunet, contact Angela Bustos at extension 3007 or
Approved Course Outlines of Record and Program Outlines of Record are available at RC Course Outlines of Record (COR)
SCCCD Intra-District Articulated Courses
“In-lieu” refers to courses that Clovis Community College, Fresno City College, Reedley College, and Madera Community College (which includes Oakhurst) have agreed to articulate with one another to meet major and general education requirements for local associate degree and certificate programs. Please speak with your counselor to obtain this information.
The “In Lieu” agreement does not apply to the CSUGE and IGETC Certificate of Achievement. CSUGE and IGETC certifications are based on the individual college at which the course was completed. In lieu courses may or may not meet the same major requirement at a CSU, UC, independent, or out-of-state institution. Articulation agreements for specific majors and general education to the CSU and UC campuses vary by college and are available on www.
Reedley College Programs include:
- Associate Degree for Transfer (AA-T) (AS-T)
- Associate in Science (AS) or Associate in Arts (AA)
- Certificate of Achievement (CA)
- Certificates in (name of program)
- Certificates of Completion/Competency (CC) (noncredit)
An alphabetical listing of all degrees and certificates offered at Reedley College is available in the college catalog.
Transfer Degrees and Major Programs
Reedley College students may transfer to universities to complete their bachelor's degree work. The College's transfer programs offer coursework which can meet lower division General Education requirements for the California State University (CSU) and University of California (UC) systems.
Articulation agreements with various UC and CSU systems can be obtained in the Counseling Office, Transfer Center or on the website: ASSIST. Students planning to transfer should consult a counselor for program planning purposes.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Programs
Reedley College offers Career and Technical Education programs designed to prepare students for a career or occupation. These programs offer the student education and training in selected career fields. Many certificates of achievement combined with General Education units prepare the student for an Associate Degree.
Certificates of Achievement (16 or more units)
A certificate of achievement shall be awarded to students who successfully complete a specified curriculum with a minimum "C" grade in each required course. The specific courses required for the certificate of achievement are identified in each degree program where such certificates are awarded.
Certificates (8 to less than 16 units)
Certificates for a course or a series of courses fewer than 16 units may be offered by departments. A certificate may be awarded with a minimum of "C" average for finishing a course or courses leading to specific competencies.
Program Level Outcomes by List of Program
Program Level Student Learning Outcomes are the knowledge, skills, and abilities a student is expected to be able to demonstrate upon completion of a certificate or degree. Program Level Student Learning Outcomes are listed in the current catalog.
Course outlines
Course outlines of record are available at Course and Program Outlines.
Resources for Developing Courses and Programs
- Education Code
- California Code of Regulations
- Reedley College Academic Senate
- Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Website
- Program and Course Approval Handbook (PCAH) 8th Edition
- Requirement Changes to Certificate of Achievements March 5, 2019
- The Course Outline of Record: A Curriculum Reference Guide Spring 2008
- The Course Outline of Record: A Curriculum Reference Guide Revisited | ASCCC
- Taxonomy of Programs 7th Edition, May 2023
- CCCCO Educational-Services-and-Support
- Placement of Courses within Disciplines
- Minimum qualifications, equivalency, and assigning courses to disciplines (2019 ASCCC Faculty Leadership Institute)
- Minimum Qualifications for Faculty and Administrators in California Community Colleges 2022 Handbook
- COCI (Curriculum Inventory)
- Credit Course Repetition Guidelines, July 2013
- Guidelines for Title 5 Regulations Section 55003 Policies for Prerequisites, Corequisites and Advisories on Recommended Preparation
- CCC Supplemental Learning Assistance and Tutoring Regulations and Guidelines
- To Be Arranged (TBA) Hours Compliance Advice - Legal Advisory 08-02
- Student Fee Handbook v.06.30.2023
- Student Fee Handbook (June 1, 2012)