Tiger Cafe

About Us

The Reedley College Food Service Team welcomes you to our campus. Reedley College Food Service has been providing quality food service for over 60 years and will continue to do so. Browse our Weekly Menu.

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Hours Of Operation

The Tiger Cafe is open when school is in session from Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Friday 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. We are closed on Saturday and Sunday, as well as on school holidays. Students may choose to eat any time that Food Services is open. Summer hours will vary


Serving Times

Breakfast Available: 7:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Lunch Available: 11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Tiger Grill: 11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.


Tiger Café

Complete meal prices run an average of $10.00.

A la carte prices range from $3.00 and up and include pizza, hot and cold sandwiches, salad bar and healthy snacks.

Many additional items including baked goods, beverages and desserts are also available.

Catering Services

Students or parents can make arrangements for special services for birthdays, holidays, exam week, or other special events. Menu items for catering include a wide variety of party trays, pastries, cakes, homemade pizza, as well as full service catered meals. Ask for a complete menu from the food service manager or click the link below.

Catering Guide (PDF)

Meal Program Information

Students attending Reedley College can choose from several food options in the cafe. Food service is designed to provide students with a flexible, nutritious, and competitively priced program.  Any student can participate in the meal program or purchasing a Tiger One Card debit card online. Students living in the residence hall are required to participate in the meal program. The meal program assists in budgeting for the semester and the academic school year and provide an economical method to purchase meals without the hassle of carrying cash. Meal programs are available each semester. Please see our meal program links below for further information.

Meal Program Brochure (PDF)

Tiger One Debit Card

The Tiger One Card provides a cash-free, convenient method to purchase food and snacks on campus and online. You can access your OneWeb Account with your single sign on.

There is no minimum amount when adding money to your debit card. Additions are handled online through your OneWeb Account.

If you are a continuing student, balances are automatically transferred from semester to semester. You may receive a refund of the balance if you are withdrawing from school and the balance is over $20. All refunds are processed through the R.C. Business Services office. There are no cash withdrawals from your debit card account.

You may use you Tiger One Card as you choose. You may make purchases for guests, however, the more guests you host, the faster your debit card will be depleted. You must present the card to the cashier in order to use it. Your card may not be loaned to others.

Report the loss of your Tiger One Card immediately to Food Services at (559) 638-0321 or to Business Services at (559) 494-3000 ext. 3342. The lost card must be deactivated and a new card issued by the Associated Student Body department. The replacement fee is $10 (unless you live in the dorms the fee is $25), and must be paid before a new card will be issued. Remember, your debit card is like cash, and it should be kept in a safe place.

Additional Questions?

The Staff at Reedley College Food Service are available to answer your questions, or you may contact us at (559) 494-3021 or john.cunningham@reedleycollege.edu.