Reedley College Foundation

RC FoundationPurposes of the Reedley College Foundation

  • Reedley College Foundation funds are used solely for scholarships.
  • To promote Reedley College student growth and achievement.
  • Provide financial assistance to our students.
  • Encourage further higher education.
  • 100% tax deductible.

The Foundation is unique in its ability to provide perpetual scholarships to assist students. Individuals or firms can establish a scholarship for any reason, including to memorialize, or honor an individual.

Scholarships are paid from the earnings from the endowment once the contributions reach $2,000.00. For example, an endowment of $2,000.00 at 5% interest generates a scholarship award of $100.00 per year, the minimum award given. It is not necessary to deposit the $2,000.00 all at once. Your scholarship continues to grow as new contributions are made and when the Foundation earnings grow at a rate greater than 5%.

You determine the name of the scholarship and the criteria by which it is to be awarded. A committee made up of board members, screen and select the students who best meet those criteria.

If interested in contributing to an existing scholarship, or establishing a new scholarship, inquiries may be directed to:

Reedley College Foundation

Attn: Laurie Bolton
P. O. Box 227
Reedley, CA 93654

Phone: (559) 897-7328 | Email: Laurie Bolton

Scholarship and Donation Information Form


  • Linda Launer, President
  • Kenneth Zech, Vice President
  • Michael Schuil (Treasurer)
  • Jim Blied
  • Sue Reynolds Buckley
  • Marcella Corona
  • Carol Lopez Doerksen
  • Marc Johnson
  • Ron Nishinaka
  • Nick Pavlovich
  • Dr. David Santesteban
  • Nicole Zieba