Dream Center

Dream Center Logo

Dream Center Hours:

Office Hours: Monday 8am-4pm Tuesday 8am-5pm & Thursday 8am-5pm 

Contact Us:

Phone: (559) 494-3000 ext. 3252
Email: Erika.Ramos@reedleycollege.edu
Location Center for Student Success-1 (CSS1)

Reedley College Dream Center

The Dream Center is designed to provide information and academic counseling to new and continuing undocumented students at Reedley College. Counselors and staff assigned to the Dream Center will assist students in overcoming challenges of access and completion of vocational or transfer-level goals in higher education. The majority of students served in this office will be identified as Dreamers, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) or seeking AB540 status. Please contact the Dream Center if you have any questions on how to access services.

To schedule an appointment please contact counselor:
Email Erika Ramos
Schedule an appointment with counselor


students studying

  • Academic Counseling
  • Assistance with the AB540 affidavit form
  • Assistance with Dream Act & Scholarship Applications
  • Transfer Information & Resources
  • Immigration Legal Services
  • Referral to Career & Employment Center
  • Referral to Psychological Services

Dream Act

Students walking on campus

The passage of AB 130 and 131 laws allows students who meet AB540 criteria to apply for and receive non-state funded grants and/or scholarships to public colleges and universities. Specific requirements must be met by students in order to be eligible for the Board of Governors Waiver, Cal Grants and other grant programs.

Dream Act Application Instructional Videos

What is an AB 540 student?

Assembly Bill 540 is a California law that allows qualified students to pay in-state tuition at the state's institutions of higher education. AB 540 does not grant state or federal financial eligibility, and only provides an exemption to the requirements to pay non-resident tuition. To qualify as an AB 540 student, undocumented students must meet the following:

  • Have attended a California high school for 3 years or more full academic years between grades 9 through 12 (they do not need to be consecutive years);
  • Be (or will be) a graduate from a California high school or have attained a GED or received a passing mark on the California High School Proficiency Exam (CHSPE);
  • Register or be currently enrolled at an accredited institution of public higher education in California;
  • File or plan to file an affidavit form as required by individual institutions, stating that he/she will apply for legal residency as soon as possible;
  • Not hold a valid non-immigrant visa (F, J, H, L, A, E, etc.).

Please contact our Admissions Office to determine if you are AB 540 eligible.

Follow the steps below to get started on the road to fulfilling your college dreams!

Complete the admissions process.

The Reedley College Admissions & Records Office will contact potential AB 540 eligible students at the email address listed on the Admissions Application regarding AB 540 eligibility criteria, and the deadline to submit the required AB 540 Affidavit Form.

For more information about the types of financial aid available to AB 540 students as a result of the California Dream Act, refer to the chart above. You can link to many of the required applications directly from the chart, under the "Type of Application Required" column. Need assistance completing your financial aid application? Our office can help! For a listing of scheduled Financial Aid Application Workshops, visit our Financial Aid Outreach page.

Meet with a college counselor to develop a plan to help you achieve your educational goals.

Now that I’ve applied, what happens next?

Your Dream Act application will be processed by the California Student Aid Commission and sent to each college you listed on your Dream Act Application

The Reedley College Financial Aid Office will download your Dream Act Application information and manually match that application with your Reedley College Admissions Application record. 

The Reedley College Financial Aid Office will determine if you are eligible for a Board of Governor's Fee Waiver. Eligibility is determined by financial need and your AB 540 residency status as determined by Admissions & Records. 

Create a WebGrants for Students account to monitor your Cal Grant Award.

Submit your signed AB 540 affidavit to the Reedley College Admissions & Records Office immediately after you graduate from high school.

Submit any requested financial aid forms to the Reedley College Financial Aid Office.